US businesses are taxed on their worldwide income, and prior to the tax reform law passed in 2017—commonly referred to as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA)—earnings of foreign subsidiaries were generally deferred from US tax until repatriated to the United States.
That’s no longer the case. TCJA enacted various rules and regulations, including the global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) tax. As a result, the opportunity to defer US tax through the use of foreign companies when selling outside the United States has been significantly limited. TCJA also created new opportunities, however.
In this article, we’ll discuss the international tax considerations for the five stages of a US manufacturer’s foreign operations:
- Engaging in international sales
- Using a salesperson in a foreign jurisdiction
- Creating a foreign sales and marketing organization
- Conducting distribution activities
- Establishing foreign manufacturing
While not every company will follow these five steps, they represent a possible progression pathway for a US exporter increasing its foreign presence. With each change in business, there are tax opportunities and challenges to be taken into account. While some of these are particular to a certain activity, others exist regardless of activity type.
Engaging in International Sales
Typically, a US company’s first international expansion involves selling US-manufactured goods directly to a foreign customer. When initially selling outside the United States, there are three key opportunities to consider.
Creating an IC-DISC
An interest-charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) is a US domestic corporation that:
- Meets certain requirements under US tax law
- Has qualifying exports
- Makes a valid IC-DISC election
IC-DISC offers a significant federal income tax savings for making or distributing US products for export. It isn’t a tax shelter, but it creates permanent tax savings by transferring income from the exporter to the tax-exempt IC-DISC through an export sales commission.
The IC-DISC incentive is available to almost any US taxpayer, including:
- Individuals
- C corporations
- S corporations
- Partnerships
- Limited liability companies (LLCs)
FDII Deduction
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, a US corporation may claim a foreign-derived intangible income (FDII) deduction on certain foreign-derived income. This income may include sales of intangible or tangible products—whether manufactured or purchased for resale by the corporation—to a foreign person for use outside the United States as well as income derived from a broad range of services.
The determination of the FDII deduction can involve a rather complex analysis. In short, 37.5% of FDII is deductible, which results in a 13.125% effective tax rate. The deduction is scheduled to decrease from 37.5% to 21.875% in 2026.
Other Considerations
Value-Added Tax
Unlike the US system in which everyone along the supply chain is exempt from sales tax until the end consumer, many foreign systems assess tax on all parties along the chain with the ability to take credits for any taxes paid.
While these types of taxes generally don’t result in a net cost, it can be a trap for the unwary if not appropriately applied. This is especially true when selling to individual consumers. In many cases, there isn’t a de minimis or certain volume of sales that are exempt—all are subject to tax. Therefore, the costs and administrative burden of value-added tax (VAT) need to be contemplated prior to making export sales.
Income Classification
While you may think that a transaction is the sale of an item, the tax laws in a foreign country could treat the transaction as a royalty. As a result, customers may be required to withhold income tax from their payment to you. In some cases, the tax result doesn’t always follow the commercial or legal terms of the agreement.
Using a Salesperson in a Foreign Jurisdiction
After a company reaches a certain level of foreign sales generated from the United States, they might look at putting some boots on the ground in the foreign location to increase penetration into the local market. This can open new opportunities and issues.
For the purpose of this article, assume there’s one person generating sales in the foreign location.
Independent Contractors Versus Employees
One of the first questions to ask is whether this person will be an independent contractor or an employee. Many countries have tests similar to the United States for determining whether someone is a contractor or an employee. The results are also the same as they are in the United States: liability for employment taxes.
Understanding whether someone is truly a contractor in a foreign country can help avoid a costly payroll tax issue in the future.
Salesperson Authority
The other key distinction between a contractor and an employee from an international tax perspective relates to the authority given to that person. If an independent contractor is used, then that individual can sign sales contracts on behalf of the US company without creating a permanent establishment or taxable presence in that country.
However, if that person were an employee, signing agreements on behalf of the US company would likely create a permanent establishment. Therefore, the distinction between the two is very important.
Taxable Presence for Non-Income Taxes
Whether or not someone creates a permanent establishment is typically governed by tax treaties between the two countries. However, a presence for non-income taxes—such as sales taxes—is governed by each country’s domestic laws. This means having an individual in a country generating sales, whether or not they sign agreements, can create a presence for sales taxes.
For example, if a company was previously able to avoid the administration of registering for, collecting, and remitting sales taxes when they were selling direct, having an individual in the foreign country may now make that unavoidable.
Payroll Reporting
Payments to a foreign person for services provided outside the United States are typically not subject to US reporting. This means there isn’t a Form 1099 filing requirement resulting from the relationship. However, there could be local reporting obligations.